Monday 21 May 2012

Roy's Adaptation Theory

Roy's Adaptation Theory

Every human life is purposeful in a universe that is creative and persons are inseparable from the environment - Dr. Callista Roy.


o   Humans are holistic, adaptive systems
o   A whole with the parts that function in unity for some purpose
o   Not limited to just the individual can include; groups, families, organizations, communities, and society as a whole
o   Includes all the conditions affecting the development and behaviours of the person.
o   Stimuli include can be categorized as focal, contextual and residual.
o   A state and a process of being and becoming integrated as a whole person
o   Reflection of adaptation that is the interaction of the person and the environment
o   A science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and environmental transformation.
o   Process and outcome whereby thinking and feeling persons use conscious awareness and choice to create human environment integration

Roy Adaptation Model
  • System-
    • a set of parts connected to function as a whole for some purpose
  • Stimulus-
    • something that provokes a response, point of interaction for the human system and the environment
      • Focal Stimuli-internal or external stimulus most immediately affecting the system
      • Contextual Stimuli-all other stimulus present in the situation
      • Residual Stimuli-environmental factor, that effects on the situation that are unclear
  • Regulator Subsystem-
    • automatic response to stimulus (neural, chemical, and endocrine)
  • Cognator Subsystem-
    • responds through four cognitive-emotive channels (perceptual and information processing, learning, judgment, and emotion)
  • Behaviour-
    • internal or external actions and reactions under specific circumstances
  • Adaptive Responses-
    • promote the integrity of the human system
  • Ineffective Responses-
    • neither promote not contribute to the integrity of the human system
  • Copping Process-
    • innate or acquired ways of interacting with the changing environment
    • Innate-genetically determined, automatic process
    • Acquired-developed through learning, deliberate and conscious

4 Modes of Adaptation

  1. Physiologic-Physical Mode
    • Behaviour pertaining to the physical aspect of the human system
    • Physical and chemical processes
    • Nurse must be knowledgeable about normal processes
    • 5 needs (Oxygenation, Nutrition, Elimination, Activity & Rest, and Protection)

  1. Self Concept-Group Identity Mode
o   The composite of beliefs and feelings held about oneself at a given time
o   Focus on the psychological and spiritual aspects of the human system
o   Need to know who one is, so that one can exist with a state of unity, meaning, and purposefulness
o   2 modes (physical self, and personal self)

  1. Role Function Mode
o   Set of expectations about how a person occupying one position behaves toward a person occupying another position
o   Basic need-social integrity, the need to know who one is in relation to others

  1. Interdependance Mode
o   Behaviour pertaining to interdependent relationships of individuals and groups
o   Focus on the close relationships of people and their purpose
o   Each relationship exists for some reason
o   Involves the willingness and ability to give to others and accept from others
o   Balance results in feelings of being valued and supported by others
o   Basic need-feeling of security in relationships


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